Student Report |
The mystery of moving rocks
Everybody thinks a rock is just not a moving thing. But something happened in the U.S.’s Death Valley, California that changed the way people think.
A rock started to move. The rock was moving like the rock was alive! The rock went up or returned, and so on. All of these rocks were on common ground...
[Updatedd : 2025-02-12 오전 11:16:00]
Student Report |
What do you think is considered beautiful?
Beauty is a concept that varies from person to person. Some people find beauty in nature, like the sound of the ocean or the colors of a sunset.
Others may see beauty in art, such as paintings or music. For some, beauty can even be found in kindness and in the way, people treat one another.
I beli...
[Updatedd : 2025-02-12 오전 11:15:00]
Student Report |
If you had one wish, what would it be?
More money, a sports car, a building, or a healthy family? There would be many wishes. Of course, I have many wishes too. But I want to wish a special wish. My wish is talking with my pet.
I’ll introduce my pet. My pet is a female hamster, and her name is Cloud because she is white as a cloud. Her ...
[Updatedd : 2025-02-12 오전 11:14:00]
Student Report |
What kind of parent would you be and why?
First, I want to be a parent who values future choices. Parents will be separated from their children one day, but after separation, children may be afraid and confused to live by themselves. I want to create thoughts about such careful things as making choices with parents so that they can make the...
[Updatedd : 2025-02-12 오전 11:13:00]
StoryTown |
[Updatedd : 2025-02-12 오전 11:10:00]
People |
[Updatedd : 2025-02-12 오전 11:10:00]
Debate |
Are parents responsible for the actions of their children?
Parents are responsible for their children's actions. Children cannot just grow up on their own. They grow up looking at their parents, schoolmates, and academy friends. That is also the basis for the saying that children grow up looking at their parents. Children do this because they don't rea...
[Updatedd : 2025-02-12 오전 11:08:00]
Debate |
Which is more important, talent or hard work?
I really think talent is much more important than hard work. The reason why I think so is a straightforward answer.
If I tried really hard to run fast like a professional runner, I would fail. You can beat someone by studying, but some people like Usain Bolt are impossible to beat.
But e...
[Updatedd : 2025-02-12 오전 11:06:00]
Photo News |
Buche de Noel
Buche de Noel, which means "log of Christmas" in French, is a representative dessert of the Christmas season. It has an elongated, round shape, expresses the texture of logs with chocolate cream on the cake, and is designed as a Christmas decoration. The cake originated from a medieval custom. In th...
[Updatedd : 2025-02-12 오전 11:03:00]
Science |
What Did Our Early Ancestors Eat?
Millions of years ago, long before humans walked the Earth, our ancient ancestors lived in southern Africa. These early hominins, called Australopithecus, were around 3.5 million years old. Scientists now believe that they ate mostly plants, not meat!
How do we know this? A group of researchers stu...
[Updatedd : 2025-02-12 오전 11:02:00]